Settlement Advisors LLC

Settlement Advisors LLC

Structured Settlements Consultants

Settlement Advisors LLC brings a high level of financial expertise to the structured settlement field. In addition to over 30 years in handling structured settlements, Settlement Advisors has years of financial analysis and planning experience.

Certified Public Accountant

Henry Barkhausen

Partner, is a Certified Public Accountant and has an MBA from the University of Chicago. He is a member of the National Structured Settlement Trade Association as well as the Illinois CPA Society and American Institute of CPAs. Henry understands how a structured settlement will fit into a claimant's financial future and has the expertise to address a range of financial planning issues.


Settlement Advisors has experience in highly complex cases involving funding life care plans for severely disabled individuals. The creative use of various life companies for different cases or periods of payments increases the payments available to the claimant. Settlement Advisors has developed effective ways of illustrating the financial advantages of a structure in a graphic manner that can be understood by claimants, regardless of their financial background. The firm is experienced in all types of injury claims and settlements-and has used Medicare set-aside, special needs and/or medical reversionary trusts to maximize the benefits to the claimant. Often, we are responsible for finding and working with consultants and lawyers to establish the trust and complete the documents.


We value your time as well as your confidence in us. We will handle all aspects of documenting the structured settlement so that the transaction goes smoothly and the attorney’s time is minimized. From its strong background in financial planning and long experience in structured settlements to its dedication to service and attention to detail, Settlement Advisors is a professional organization committed to providing the highest quality services to its clients.